This program used Depth First Search Algorithm to generate random maze according to the size input by user, then this program used the Right Hand Wall algorithm for the traversal.
Depth First Search Algorithm -
The recursive version of the maze generator can be found here -
/* * Title: Pointers 723 : Generating Maze Randomly & Maze Traverse * Author: aeriqusyairi * Date: Mac5 2012 * Algorithm: Depth First Search * * create a CellStack (LIFO) to hold a list of cell locations * set TotalCells = number of cells in grid * choose a cell at random and call it CurrentCell * set VisitedCells = 1 * * while VisitedCells < TotalCells * * find all neighbors of CurrentCell with all walls intact * if one or more found * choose one at random * knock down the wall between it and CurrentCell * push CurrentCell location on the CellStack * make the new cell CurrentCell * add 1 to VisitedCells * else * pop the most recent cell entry off the CellStack * make it CurrentCell * endIf * * endWhile */ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<time.h> #define MAX 101 //maxRow + maxColumn + 1 #define WALL 1 //indicate the wall is up #define PATH 0 //indicate the cells is previous path #define CELLS 2500 //row * column #define START 3 //start position #define END 4 //end position void mazeGenerator( int wMaze[ MAX ][ MAX ], int wSize ); //generate the maze void startEnd( int wMaze[ MAX ][ MAX ], int wSize, int* wSRow, int* wSCol );//generate start and end position int mazeTraverse( int maze[ MAX ][ MAX ], int currentRow, int currentColumn, int size );//Automatic maze solver void printMaze( int wMaze[ MAX ][ MAX ], int wSize );//display the maze int main(void){ int size = 3, sRow = 0, sCol = 0, state; int maze[ MAX ][ MAX ]; //maze array printf("My Maze Generator\n*****************\n\n"); printf("Input the size of your desired maze (3 to 50): "); do{ if(size < 3 || size > 50) printf("Invalid size! Input again: "); scanf("%d", &size );//get the desired size from user }while(size < 3 || size > 50); mazeGenerator( maze, size ); startEnd( maze, size, &sRow, &sCol ); printMaze( maze, size ); state = mazeTraverse( maze, sRow, sCol, size ); if(state == 0) printf("Player found the exit\n\n"); system("pause"); return 0; } ////////////////// //MAZE GENERATOR// ////////////////// void mazeGenerator( int wMaze[ MAX ][ MAX ], int wSize ){ srand(time( 0 )); void initMaze( int wMaze[ MAX ][ MAX ] ); //initalize the maze array int walled( int wMaze[ MAX ][ MAX ], int wRow, int wCol );//check neighbouring cells initMaze( wMaze ); int counter = 0, row = 1, col = 1, visited = 1; int validNeighbour, valid, randValid, move; int neighbourRow[ 4 ]; int neighbourCol[ 4 ]; int step[ 4 ]; int btRow[ CELLS ]; //backtrack row array int btCol[ CELLS ];//backtrack column array //start backtracking with first cell btRow[ 0 ] = 1; btCol[ 0 ] = 1; /*while VisitedCells < TotalCells*/ while(visited < wSize * wSize){ //initialize validNeighbour = -1; /*find all neighbors of CurrentCell with all walls intact*/ //NORTH neighbour if(row - 2 > 0 && walled( wMaze, row - 2, col )){ validNeighbour++; neighbourRow[ validNeighbour ] = row - 2; neighbourCol[ validNeighbour ] = col; step[ validNeighbour ] = 1; } //WEST neighbour if(col - 2 > 0 && walled( wMaze, row, col - 2 )){ validNeighbour++; neighbourRow[ validNeighbour ] = row; neighbourCol[ validNeighbour ] = col - 2; step[ validNeighbour ] = 2; } //EAST neighbour if(col + 2 < wSize * 2 + 1 && walled( wMaze, row, col + 2 )){ validNeighbour++; neighbourRow[ validNeighbour ] = row; neighbourCol[ validNeighbour ] = col + 2; step[ validNeighbour ] = 3; } //SOUTH neighbour //size * 2 + 1 -> size + wall + outerWall if(row + 2 < wSize * 2 + 1 && walled( wMaze, row + 2, col )){ validNeighbour++; neighbourRow[ validNeighbour ] = row + 2; neighbourCol[ validNeighbour ] = col; step[ validNeighbour ] = 4; } //if one or more found if(validNeighbour != -1){ //choose one at random valid = validNeighbour + 1;//number of valid neighbour randValid = rand() % valid; //make the new cell CurrentCell row = neighbourRow[ randValid ]; col = neighbourCol[ randValid ]; counter++; btRow[ counter ] = row; btCol[ counter ] = col; move = step[ randValid ]; //knock down the wall between it and CurrentCell //NORTH if(move == 1){ wMaze[ row + 1 ][ col ] = PATH; } //WEST else if(move == 2){ wMaze[ row ][ col + 1 ] = PATH; } //EAST else if(move == 3){ wMaze[ row ][ col - 1 ] = PATH; } //SOUTH else if(move == 4){ wMaze[ row - 1 ][ col ] = PATH; } //add 1 to VisitedCells visited++; } //if none found else{ //backtracking row = btRow[ counter ]; col = btCol[ counter ]; counter--; } } } void initMaze( int wMaze[ MAX ][ MAX ] ){ int a, b; for(a = 0; a < MAX; a++){ for(b = 0; b < MAX; b++){ if(a % 2 == 0 || b % 2 == 0){ wMaze[ a ][ b ] = WALL; }else{ wMaze[ a ][ b ] = PATH; } } } } void printMaze( int wMaze[ MAX ][ MAX ], int wSize ){ int row, col; printf("\n"); for(row = 0; row < wSize * 2 + 1; row++){ if(wMaze[ row ][ 0 ] == START) printf(" START -> "); else printf(" "); for(col = 0; col < wSize * 2 + 1; col++){ if(wMaze[ row ][ col ] == WALL) printf("#"); else if(wMaze[ row ][ col ] == START) printf("X"); else printf(" "); } if(wMaze[ row ][ wSize * 2 ] == END) printf(" <- END"); printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); system("pause"); system("cls"); } int walled( int wMaze[ MAX ][ MAX ], int wRow, int wCol ){ if(wMaze[ wRow - 1 ][ wCol ] == WALL && wMaze[ wRow + 1 ][ wCol ] == WALL && wMaze[ wRow ][ wCol + 1 ] == WALL && wMaze[ wRow ][ wCol - 1 ] == WALL ) return 1; return 0; } //////////////////////////////////// //START AND END POSITION GENERATOR// //////////////////////////////////// void startEnd( int wMaze[ MAX ][ MAX ], int wSize, int* wSRow, int* wSCol ){ int start, end; do{ start = rand() % (wSize * 2);//size + wall }while(start == 0 || wMaze[ start ][ 1 ] == WALL ); do{ end = rand() % (wSize * 2); }while(end == 0 || wMaze[ end ][ (wSize * 2) - 1 ] == WALL); wMaze[ start ][ 0 ] = START; wMaze[ end ][ wSize * 2 ] = END; *wSRow = start; *wSCol = 0; } ///////////////// //MAZE TRAVERSE// ///////////////// //global int startingFlag = 1, direction = 0; //enumeration enum Stat { OVER, NOT_OVER }; int mazeTraverse( int maze[ MAX ][ MAX ], int currentRow, int currentColumn, int size ){ //sub-function int gameOver( const int currentRow, const int currentColumn, int size ); int move( int maze[ MAX ][ MAX ], int *currentRow, int *currentColumn, int *currentDirection, int size ); void printPosition( int maze[ MAX ][ MAX ], const int currentRow, const int currentColumn, int size ); enum Stat State; //check if game is over State = gameOver( currentRow, currentColumn, size ); if(State == OVER && startingFlag == 0){ printPosition( maze, currentRow, currentColumn, size ); return OVER; //return OVER indicating succesfully find the exit //algorithm for if this function can't find the exit is not available } //indicate player is ready to move if(startingFlag == 1){ //print initial maze printf("Player's ready\n**************\n"); printPosition( maze, currentRow, currentColumn, size ); system("pause"); system("cls"); //set first direction based on starting position if(currentRow == 0){ direction = 1; }else if(currentRow == 11){ direction = 0; }else if(currentColumn == 0){ direction = 2; }else if(currentColumn == 11){ direction == 3; } startingFlag = 0; } //seek for next move move( maze, ¤tRow, ¤tColumn, &direction, size ); //system("pause");//activate this to see each move system("cls"); mazeTraverse( maze, currentRow, currentColumn, size ); return OVER; } /*seek for next move*/ enum Direction { NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST }; int move( int maze[ MAX ][ MAX ], int *currentRow, int *currentColumn, int *currentDirection, int size ){ int posibble[ 4 ] = { 0 };// 1 -> North; 2 -> South; 3 -> East; 4 -> West; int counter = 0; enum Direction Seek; Seek = *currentDirection; /*move the player respect to current direction*/ //cover the current position maze[ *currentRow ][ *currentColumn ] = 0; //move the player respect to current direction if(Seek == NORTH){ //print direction printf("direction = NORTH\n"); //move north *currentRow -= 1; }else if(Seek == SOUTH){ //print direction printf("direction = SOUTH\n"); //move south *currentRow +=1; }else if(Seek == EAST){ //print direction printf("direction = EAST\n"); //move east *currentColumn += 1; }else if(Seek == WEST){ //print direction printf("direction = WEST\n"); //move west *currentColumn -= 1; } maze[ *currentRow ][ *currentColumn ] = 3; //print each move printPosition( maze, *currentRow, *currentColumn, size );// print maze with player current position /*analyse for next direction*/ //seek posibble direction printf("Seek next direction...\n\n"); if(maze[ *currentRow - 1 ][ *currentColumn ] == 0 && Seek != SOUTH){ printf("NORTH is possible\n"); posibble[ 0 ] = 1; counter++; } if(maze[ *currentRow + 1 ][ *currentColumn ] == 0 && Seek != NORTH){ printf("SOUTH is possible\n"); posibble[ 1 ] = 1; counter++; } if(maze[ *currentRow ][ *currentColumn + 1 ] == 0 && Seek != WEST && maze[ *currentRow ][ *currentColumn + 1 ] != 4){ printf("EAST is possible\n"); posibble[ 2 ] = 1; counter++; } if(maze[ *currentRow ][ *currentColumn - 1 ] == 0 && Seek != EAST){ printf("WEST is possible\n"); posibble[ 3 ] = 1; counter++; } //if exit found if(maze[ *currentRow ][ *currentColumn + 1 ] == 4 && Seek != WEST){ printf("Exit found\n"); posibble[ 2 ] = 1; counter++; } printf("\n"); //follow right wall //Direction { NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST }; if(counter == 1){ if(posibble[ 1 ] == 1){//south *currentDirection = 1; }else if(posibble[ 2 ] == 1){//east *currentDirection = 2; }else if(posibble[ 0 ] == 1){//north *currentDirection = 0; }else if(posibble[ 3 ] == 1){//west *currentDirection = 3; } }else if(counter == 2){ if(posibble[ 2 ] == 1 && posibble[ 3 ] == 1){// posibble: EAST, WEST if(Seek == SOUTH){ *currentDirection = 3; }else if(Seek == NORTH){ *currentDirection = 2; } }else if(posibble[ 0 ] == 1 && posibble[ 1 ] == 1){// posibble: NORTH,SOUTH if(Seek == EAST){ *currentDirection = 1; }else if(Seek == WEST){ *currentDirection = 0; } }else if(posibble[ 0 ] == 1 && posibble[ 3 ] == 1){// NORTHWEST *currentDirection = 0; }else if(posibble[ 0 ] == 1 && posibble[ 2 ] == 1){// NORTHEAST *currentDirection = 2; }else if(posibble[ 1 ] == 1 && posibble[ 2 ] == 1){// SOUTHEAST *currentDirection = 1; }else if(posibble[ 1 ] == 1 && posibble[ 3 ] == 1){// SOUTHWEST *currentDirection = 3; } }else if(counter == 3){ if(Seek == NORTH){ *currentDirection = 2; }else if(Seek == SOUTH){ *currentDirection = 3; }else if(Seek == EAST){ *currentDirection = 1; }else if(Seek == WEST){ *currentDirection = 0; } }else if(counter == 0){ //dead end if(Seek == NORTH){ *currentDirection = 1; }else if(Seek == SOUTH){ *currentDirection = 0; }else if(Seek == EAST){ *currentDirection = 3; }else if(Seek == WEST){ *currentDirection = 2; } } } /*check if game is over*/ int gameOver( const int currentRow, const int currentColumn, int size ){ if(currentColumn == size * 2){ return OVER; }else{ return NOT_OVER; } printf("position: (%d, %d)\n\n", currentRow, currentColumn); } /*print current position*/ void printPosition( int maze[ MAX ][ MAX ], const int currentRow, const int currentColumn, int size ){ int row, col; printf("\n"); for(row = 0; row < size * 2 + 1; row++){ if(maze[ row ][ 0 ] == START) printf(" START -> "); else printf(" "); for(col = 0; col < size * 2 + 1; col++){ if(maze[ row ][ col ] == WALL) printf("#"); else if(maze[ row ][ col ] == START) printf("X"); else printf(" "); } if(maze[ row ][ size * 2 ] == END) printf(" <- END"); printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); }
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