Friday, March 16, 2012

Coin Tossing

Program below simulate coin tossing.The program will "toss" a coin 100 times and print each results and finally print the frequency of each outcome.
[ Note: Each side of the coin appear approximately half the time for a total of approximately 50 heads and 50 tails. ]
   title: tossingCoin
   author: aeriqusyairi
   date: Jan24 2012

int flip(void);

int main(){
   int countHead = 0, countTail = 0, i, x;
   for(i = 0; i < 100; i++){
      x = flip();
      if(x == 1){
      }else if(x == 0){
   printf("TOTAL HEAD: %d\nTOTAL TAIL: %d\n", countHead, countTail);
   return 0; 

int flip(void){
   return rand() % 2;     

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