Friday, March 16, 2012

Math Library Function

Example of the usage of the Math Library function.
   title: mathLibraryFunction
   author: aeriqusyairi
   date: Jan21 2012

int main(){
   //square root
   printf("%.2f\n", sqrt(9));
   //exponential function e^x
   printf("%.2f\n", exp(1));
   //natural logarithm of x (base e)
   printf("%.2f\n", log(2.718282));
   //logarithm of x (base 10)
   printf("%.2f\n", log10(1));
   //absolute value of x
   printf("%.2f\n", fabs(-13.5));
   //round x to the smallest integer not less than x
   printf("%.2f\n", ceil(9.2));
   //round x to the largest integer not greater than x
   printf("%.2f\n", floor(9.2));
   //x raised to the power of y
   printf("%.2f\n", pow(2, 7));
   //remainder of x/y as a floating point number
   printf("%.3f\n", fmod(13.657, 2.333));
   //trigonometric sine of x (x in radian)
   printf("%.2f\n", sin(0.0));
   //trigonometric cosine of x (x in radian)
   printf("%.2f\n", cos(0.0));
   //trigonometric tangent of x (x in radian)
   printf("%.2f\n", tan(0.0));
   return 0;       

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