Friday, March 16, 2012

5) Card Shuffling And Dealing: Five-card Poker Hand Players Option

Now the player got option to draw up to three cards similar to the dealer. :)
 *  Pointers 715 : Simulate Dealers Hand And Players Option
 *  Created on: Feb 28, 2012
 *      Author: aeriqusyairi
//main functions
void shuffle( int wDeck[][ 13 ] ); 
void deal( const int wDeck[][ 13 ], const char *wStoreFace[], const char *wStoreSuit[] );
void initialDisplay( const char *wPFace[], const char *wPSuit[], const char *wDFace[], const char *wDSuit[] );

int main(){
   //initialize suit array
   const char *suit[ 4 ] = { "Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs", "Spades" };
   //initalize face array
   const char *face[ 13 ] = { "Ace", "Deuce", "Three", "Four",
                               "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight",
                               "Nine", "Ten", "Jack", "Queen", "King" };
   //initialize deck array
   int deck[ 4 ][ 13 ] = { 0 };
   //seed random number generator
   shuffle( deck );//shuffle the deck
   deal( deck, face, suit );//deal two five-hand card and evaluate
   return 0;    
void shuffle( int wDeck[][ 13 ] ){
   int row, column, card;

	for(card = 1; card <= 52; card++){
			row = rand() % 4;
			column = rand() % 13;
		}while(wDeck[ row ][ column ] != 0);

		wDeck[ row ][ column ] = card;

void deal( const int wDeck[][ 13 ], const char *wStoreFace[], const char *wStoreSuit[] ){
   //operational functions
   void aPair( const char *wPDFace[], const char *wPDSuit[], int result[], int wPair[] );
   void twoPair( const char *wPDFace[], const char *wPDSuit[], int result[], int wPair[] );
   void threeKind( const char *wfFace[], const char *wPDSuit[], int result[], int wPair[] );
   void fourKind( const char *wfFace[], const char *wPDSuit[], int result[], int wPair[] );
   void flush( const char *wPDFace[], const char *wPDSuit[], int result[] );
   void straight( const char *wPDFace[], const char *wPDSuit[], const char *wStoreFace[], int result[] );
   //sub-operational functions
   void draw( const int wDeck[][ 13 ], char *wDFace[], char *wDSuit[], const char *wStoreFace[], const char *wStoreSuit[], int wPair[] );
   void evalDisplay( const char *wPDFace[], const char *wPDSuit[], const int wPair[], const int wType );
   void final( const int wPResult[], const int wDResult[] );
	int card, row, column, i, j = 0, k = 0;
	int pair[ 5 ] = { 0 };
	int change[ 5 ] = { 0 };
	//storage for two five-hand card
	//result boolean: 0:pair 1:two pair 2:three of a kind 3:four of a kind 4:flush 5:straight
   char *PSuit[ 5 ] ;//= { "Hearts", "Hearts", "Hearts", "Hearts", "Hearts" };
   char *PFace[ 5 ] ;//= { "Ace", "Deuce", "Seven", "Three", "Four" };
   int PResult[ 6 ] = { 0 };
   char *DSuit[ 5 ] ;//= { "Spades", "Hearts", "Hearts", "Hearts", "Hearts" };
   char *DFace[ 5 ] ;//= { "Ace", "Ace", "Three", "Six", "Five" };
   int DResult[ 6 ] = { 0 };

	//deal 5-card poker hand 
	for(card = 1, i = 0; card <= 10; card++, i++){
		for(row = 0; row < 4; row++){
			for(column = 0; column < 13; column++){
				if(wDeck[ row ][ column ] == card && i < 5){
               PSuit[ i ] = wStoreSuit[ row ];
               PFace[ i ] = wStoreFace[ column ];
	         }else if(wDeck[ row ][ column ] == card && i > 4){
               DSuit[ j ] = wStoreSuit[ row ];
               DFace[ j ] = wStoreFace[ column ];

	//display two five-card poker hand
	initialDisplay( PFace, PSuit, DFace, DSuit );
	//dealer modification
	//printf("\nDealer modify\n***********\n\n");
	straight( DFace, DSuit, wStoreFace, DResult ); 
   //printf("\n  DResult[ 5 ] = %d\n", DResult[ 5 ] );
   if(DResult[ 5 ] == 0){
      flush( DFace, DSuit, DResult );
	   //printf("\n  DResult[ 4 ] = %d\n", DResult[ 4 ] );
	   if(DResult[ 4 ] == 0){
         fourKind( DFace, DSuit, DResult, pair );
	      //printf("\n  DResult[ 3 ] = %d\n", DResult[ 3 ] );
	      if(DResult[ 3 ] == 0){
            threeKind( DFace, DSuit, DResult, pair );
	         //printf("\n  DResult[ 2 ] = %d\n", DResult[ 2 ] );
	         if(DResult[ 2 ] == 0){
            twoPair( DFace, DSuit, DResult, pair );
	         //printf("\n  DResult[ 1 ] = %d\n", DResult[ 1 ] );
	            if(DResult[ 1 ] == 0){
                  aPair( DFace, DSuit, DResult, pair );
	               //printf("\n  DResult[ 0 ] = %d\n", DResult[ 0 ] );
	               if(DResult[ 0 ] == 0){
                     //printf("Very weak!\n");
                     draw( wDeck, DFace, DSuit, wStoreFace, wStoreSuit, pair ); 
                  }else if(DResult[ 0 ] == 1){
                     draw( wDeck, DFace, DSuit, wStoreFace, wStoreSuit, pair );         
               }else if(DResult[ 1 ] == 1){
                  draw( wDeck, DFace, DSuit, wStoreFace, wStoreSuit, pair );        
            }else if(DResult[ 2 ] == 1){
               draw( wDeck, DFace, DSuit, wStoreFace, wStoreSuit, pair );        
         }else if(DResult[ 3 ] == 1){
            draw( wDeck, DFace, DSuit, wStoreFace, wStoreSuit, pair );       
   //player modification
   printf("\n****************\nModify your card\n****************\n\n");
   //lets user modify their card
	printf("Which card you wanna change?(1 = change, 0 = don't change)\n\n");
	for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){
      printf("Card %d: ", i + 1);  
      scanf("%d", &change[ i ]); 
      if(change[ i ] == 0){
         change[ i ] = 1;
      }else if(change[ i ] == 1){
         change[ i ] = 0;      
   //check if any modification needed
   for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){
      if(change[ i ] == 0)
   if(k != 0){
      draw( wDeck, PFace, PSuit, wStoreFace, wStoreSuit, change );  
      initialDisplay( PFace, PSuit, DFace, DSuit );    
      printf("No modification made.\n");      
	printf("\n******************\nEvaluate both hand\n******************\n\nPlayer hand\n**********\n\n");
	straight( PFace, PSuit, wStoreFace, PResult ); 
   //printf("\n  PResult[ 5 ] = %d\n", PResult[ 5 ] );
   if(PResult[ 5 ] == 0){
      flush( PFace, PSuit, PResult );
	   //printf("\n  PResult[ 4 ] = %d\n", PResult[ 4 ] );
	   if(PResult[ 4 ] == 0){
	      fourKind( PFace, PSuit, PResult, pair );
	      //printf("\n  PResult[ 3 ] = %d\n", PResult[ 3 ] );
	      if(PResult[ 3 ] == 0){
	         threeKind( PFace, PSuit, PResult, pair );
	         //printf("\n  PResult[ 2 ] = %d\n", PResult[ 2 ] );
	         if(PResult[ 2 ] == 0){
	            twoPair( PFace, PSuit, PResult, pair );
	            //printf("\n  PResult[ 1 ] = %d\n", PResult[ 1 ] );
	            if(PResult[ 1 ] == 0){
	               aPair( PFace, PSuit, PResult, pair );
	               //printf("\n  PResult[ 0 ] = %d\n", PResult[ 0 ] );
	               if(PResult[ 0 ] == 0){
                     printf("  Very weak!\n");
                  }else if(PResult[ 0 ] == 1){
                     evalDisplay( PFace, PSuit, pair, 0 );         
               }else if(PResult[ 1 ] == 1){
                  evalDisplay( PFace, PSuit, pair, 1 );        
            }else if(PResult[ 2 ] == 1){
               evalDisplay( PFace, PSuit, pair, 2 );        
         }else if(PResult[ 3 ] == 1){
            evalDisplay( PFace, PSuit, pair, 3 );        
	printf("\nDealer hand\n***********\n\n");
	straight( DFace, DSuit, wStoreFace, DResult ); 
   //printf("\n  DResult[ 5 ] = %d\n", DResult[ 5 ] );
   if(DResult[ 5 ] == 0){
      flush( DFace, DSuit, DResult );
	   //printf("\n  DResult[ 4 ] = %d\n", DResult[ 4 ] );
	   if(DResult[ 4 ] == 0){
         fourKind( DFace, DSuit, DResult, pair );
	      //printf("\n  DResult[ 3 ] = %d\n", DResult[ 3 ] );
	      if(DResult[ 3 ] == 0){
            threeKind( DFace, DSuit, DResult, pair );
	         //printf("\n  DResult[ 2 ] = %d\n", DResult[ 2 ] );
	         if(DResult[ 2 ] == 0){
            twoPair( DFace, DSuit, DResult, pair );
	         //printf("\n  DResult[ 1 ] = %d\n", DResult[ 1 ] );
	            if(DResult[ 1 ] == 0){
                  aPair( DFace, DSuit, DResult, pair );
	               //printf("\n  DResult[ 0 ] = %d\n", DResult[ 0 ] );
	               if(DResult[ 0 ] == 0){
                     printf("  Very weak!\n");
                  }else if(DResult[ 0 ] == 1){
                     evalDisplay( DFace, DSuit, pair, 0 );         
               }else if(DResult[ 1 ] == 1){
                  evalDisplay( DFace, DSuit, pair, 1 );        
            }else if(DResult[ 2 ] == 1){
               evalDisplay( DFace, DSuit, pair, 2 );        
         }else if(DResult[ 3 ] == 1){
            evalDisplay( DFace, DSuit, pair, 3 );        
	final( PResult, DResult );

void draw( const int wDeck[][ 13 ], char *wDFace[], char *wDSuit[], const char *wStoreFace[], const char *wStoreSuit[], int wPair[] ){
   int i, j, zero = 0, card, row, column;
   //find how many zero
   for(i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++){
      if(wPair[ i ] == 0)
   if(zero == 5){
      zero = 2;
      zero -= 1;
   //printf("zero = %d\n", zero); 
   //draw new card respect to number of zero
   for(card = 11; card <= (11 + zero); card++){
		for(row = 0; row < 4; row++){
			for(column = 0; column < 13; column++){
				if(wDeck[ row ][ column ] == card){
               //printf("%5d\n", card);             
               for(j = 0; j < 5; j++){
                  if(wPair[ j ] == 0){
                     wDSuit[ j ] = wStoreSuit[ row ];
                     wDFace[ j ] = wStoreFace[ column ];
                     wPair[ j ] = 1;
	/*for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){
		printf("%10s of %-8s\n", wDFace[ i ], wDSuit[ i ] );

void initialDisplay( const char *wPFace[], const char *wPSuit[], const char *wDFace[], const char *wDSuit[] ){
   int i;
   printf("*************************\nYour five-card poker hand\n*************************\n\nPlayer hand %28s\n*********** %28s\n\n", "Dealer hand", "***********");
	for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){
		printf("%d.%9s of %-8s %10s of %-8s\n", i + 1,wPFace[ i ], wPSuit[ i ], "*****", "*****" );

void evalDisplay( const char *wPDFace[], const char *wPDSuit[], const int wPair[], const int wType ){
   int card;
   char *type[ 4 ] = { "Pair", "Two-pair", "Three of a kind", "Four of a kind" };
   printf("\n%s...\n", type[ wType ] );
   for(card = 0; card < 5; card++){
      if(wPair[ card ] != 0){
         printf("\n%7s of %-9s\n", wPDFace[ card ], wPDSuit[ card ] );

void final( const int wPResult[], const int wDResult[] ){
   int i, x = 0, y = 0;
   //evaluate both hand
   for(i = 0; i < 6; i++){
      if(wPResult[ i ] == 1)
         x = i + 1;
      if(wDResult[ i ] == 1)
         y = i + 1;      
   //printf("x = %d  y = %5d\n\n", x, y);
   if(x > y)
      printf("Players win!\n\n");
   else if(y > x)
      printf("Dealers win!\n\n");
   else if(x == y)
      printf("Its a tie!\n\n");
      printf("Unable to evaluate!\n\n");

void aPair( const char *wPDFace[], const char *wPDSuit[], int result[], int wPair[] ){
   int card, i, j = 0, k;
   //initalize wPair
   for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
      wPair[ i ] = 0;

   //compute whether the five-hand card contains a pair
   for(card = 0; card < 5; card++){
      for(i = card + 1; i < 5; i++){
         if(wPDFace[ card ] == wPDFace[ i ]){
            wPair[ card ] = 1;
            wPair[ i ] = 1;
   //assign result
   if(j == 1){
      result[ 0 ] = 1;

void twoPair( const char *wPDFace[], const char *wPDSuit[], int result[], int wPair[] ){
   int card, i, j = 0, k;
   //initalize wPair
   for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
      wPair[ i ] = 0;
   //compute whether the five-hand card contains two pair
   for(card = 0; card < 5; card++){
      for(i = card + 1; i < 5; i++){
         if(wPDFace[ card ] == wPDFace[ i ]){
            wPair[ card ] = 1;
            wPair[ i ] = 1;
   //assign result
   if(j == 2){
      result[ 1 ] = 1;

void threeKind( const char *wPDFace[], const char *wPDSuit[], int result[], int wPair[] ){
   int card, i, j = 0, k, x;
   //initalize wPair
   for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
      wPair[ i ] = 0;
   //compute whether the five-hand card contains three of a kind
   for(card = 0; card < 3; card++){
      for(i = card + 1; i < 5; i++){
         if(wPDFace[ card ] == wPDFace[ i ]){
            for(x = i + 1; x < 5; x++){
               if(wPDFace[ i ] == wPDFace[ x ]){
                  wPair[ card ] = 1;
                  wPair[ i ] = 1;
                  wPair[ x ] = 1;          
   //assign result
   if(j == 1){
      result[ 2 ] = 1;

void fourKind( const char *wPDFace[], const char *wPDSuit[], int result[], int wPair[] ){
   int card, i, indi = 0;
   //initalize wPair
   for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
      wPair[ i ] = 0;
   //compute whether your five-hand card contains four-of-a-kind
   for(card = 0; card < 2; card++){
      for(i = card + 1; i < 5; i++){
         if(wPDFace[ card ] == wPDFace[ i ]){  
            if(indi == 1)
               wPair[ card ] = 1;
            wPair[ i ] = 1;    
      if(indi == 3)
      else if(indi > 3)
         indi = 0;
         for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            wPair[ i ] = 0;
   //assign result
   if(indi == 3){
      result[ 3 ] = 1;

void flush( const char *wPDFace[], const char *wPDSuit[], int result[] ){
   int i, j = 0;
   //compute whether your five-hand card contains a flush
   for(i = 1; i < 5; i++){
      if(wPDSuit[ 0 ] == wPDSuit[ i ] )
   //display result
   if(j == 4){
      result[ 4 ] = 1;
      for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){
         printf("\n  %5s of %-8s\n", wPDFace[ i ], wPDSuit[ i ] );

void straight( const char *wPDFace[], const char *wPDSuit[], const char *wStoreFace[], int result[] ){
   int i, j, k, pass, count, hold, check = 1;
   int faceValue[ 5 ] = { 0 };
   //locate face value and store in an array
   for(i = 0 ; i < 5; i++){
      for(j = 0 ; j < 13; j++){
         if(wPDFace[ i ] == wStoreFace[ j ]){
            faceValue[ i ] = j;           
   //sort face value in ascending order using bubble sort
   for(pass = 0; pass < 4; pass++){
      for(count = 0; count < 4; count++){
         if(faceValue[ count ] > faceValue[ count + 1 ]){
            hold = faceValue[ count ];
            faceValue[ count ] = faceValue[ count + 1 ];
            faceValue[ count + 1 ] = hold;               
   //check if the hand contains a straight
   for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){
      if(faceValue[ i ] + 1 != faceValue[ i + 1 ]){
         check = 0;              
   //display result
   if(check == 1){
      result[ 5 ] = 1;
      for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){
         printf("\n  %5s of %-8s\n", wPDFace[ i ], wPDSuit[ i ] );

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