Calculate and print new credit limit for each customer.
/* title: CreditLimitCalculator author: aeriqusyairi date: dec272011 */ #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int main(){ int accNum=0; float initBalance=0,totalCharge=0,totalCredit=0,creditLimit=0,newBalance=0; while(accNum != -1){ printf("Enter account number(-1 to end): "); scanf("%d", &accNum); if(accNum == -1) break; printf("Enter beginning balance: "); scanf("%f", &initBalance); printf("Enter total charges: "); scanf("%f", &totalCharge); printf("Enter total credits: "); scanf("%f", &totalCredit); printf("Enter credit limits: "); scanf("%f", &creditLimit); newBalance = initBalance + totalCharge - totalCredit; if(newBalance > creditLimit){ printf("Account: %d\nCredit limit: %.2f\nBalance: %.2f\nCredit limit exceeded!\n\n", accNum, creditLimit, newBalance); }else{ printf("\n"); continue; } } system("pause"); return 0; }
Hello! So, I have this one assignment here to make the EXACT program as this one. Can I copy your work? I'll make sure that I will learn it too of course. Thanks in advance!